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Gammal 2012-09-18, 22:40
malou malou är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: jan 2006
Inlägg: 1 349
Standard Sv: Grekiska mirakel...?

Det var vel ca 650 personer som fikk støtte pga av blindhet. Klippet under er fra grreporter og sier her i artikkel 18.09.2012 blant annet..

Re-tests on people receiving blindness benefits on the Ionian island of Zante have exposed a fraud rate of over 82 percent, Greece’s largest social security agency said on Monday.
The Social Insurance Institute (IKA) said that it had re-tested 221 people after an inquiry ordered by the health ministry last year.
Of those, 182 were cleared as healthy. Another 146 people failed to turn up.
Og her kommer linken jeg glemte å legge inn.

Senast redigerad av malou den 2012-09-18 klockan 23:19. Anledning: endret tekst med tillegg
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