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Gammal 2013-08-02, 13:58
Blueseas avatar
Bluesea Bluesea är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: mar 2005
Inlägg: 397
Standard Sv: Aldri mer Ryanair!

SÅ här säger han: "Asked if Ryanair would consider charging for hand luggage, Mr O'Leary said: At some point in the future I think it's likely that airlines will do it but I can't get my head round how you would do it. I think it's unlikely that we will do it."

I min bok betyder "unlikely" "osannolikt" men du tycker det betyder att "han funderar". Hmmm.

Dessutom säger han: "Asked on Wednesday if he was considering reducing the amount of air conditioning on his flights, Mr O'Leary said: "No. Even I would not do that.""

Senast redigerad av Bluesea den 2013-08-02 klockan 14:26.
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