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Gammal 2012-09-01, 11:16
Toms avatar
Tom Tom är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: feb 2005
Ort: Vinslöv
Inlägg: 931
Standard Sv: Buss Aten - Delphi

Svar på fråga 1 fanns ju på infon på länken jag skickade dig !
/ Tom

Athens Long Distance Bus Schedules: Terminal B

There is a bus X93 connecting the Airport (door 5) with the bus terminal at Kiffissou street and the Liossion Street terminal.
The interval is generally 35 minutes (65 at night) . Terminal B is actually on Ag Dimitriou Aplon Street which runs parallel to Liosson Street. To get to the terminal itself after you get off the bus, turn right onto Yousiou and you will see the terminal at the end of the street. This schedule was posted on Feb 29 2012.
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