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Gammal 2008-09-17, 11:14
Admirala Admirala är inte uppkopplad
Avslutat medlemskap på egen begäran
Reg.datum: apr 2005
Inlägg: 2 620
Standard Advarsel - streik metro/tog - Athens flyplass

Noen som snart skal til Athen, eller planlegger togreise i Hellas?
Fant artikkelen nedenfor nettopp:

Railway workers’ strike halts service to Athens Airport
A strike by the Panhellenic Union of Railway Workers means that train services across the country will be severely disrupted and the Proastiakos Suburban Railway will not be running at all. As a result of the strike, there will be no metro service to or from Athens International Airport. People without their own transportation wishing to travel to the airport will have to use the regular bus service or a taxi. The metro will be stopping at Doukissis Plakentias. Meanwhile, metro employees also announced that they will be holding a four-hour work stoppage from noon tomorrow to protest what they believe are delays on the part of management in agreeing to a collective contract.

... og dette var mitt innlegg nr 1000. Veldig pratesyk, jeg da
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