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Gammal 2010-07-16, 17:51
TexTEx TexTEx är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: feb 2010
Inlägg: 25
Standard Sv: Streik varslet i Hellas 15. juli

Week of action against new policy to begin on Monday
The union representing the country’s hospital doctors yesterday called on members to join a five-day strike starting on Monday, July 19, to protest government plans to overhaul the national health service with a slew of reforms, including the operation of daily afternoon surgeries at state hospitals. The Federation of Hospital Doctors’ Unions (OENGE) has complained that the proposed reforms cannot be implemented with current staffing levels and other shortfalls. Doctors also object to a new proposed system according to which patients will pay for medical services at hospitals and have expenses reimbursed by their insurance funds. “Hospital doctors will not tolerate... citizens being charged more to guarantee medical care they are entitled to,” a statement by OENGE said.

Vad tror ni om det här?! Kan de dra med sig mer ?
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